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Showing posts from 2018

The Difference Between Oil and Gas Reserves and Resources

The Oil and Gas industry is a very convoluted one, requiring a range of different approaches and different disciplines in order to run an oil and gas company – much less make a profit doing so. There are a lot of terms in the oil and gas industry which can easily be mistook for the other, but are different things entirely and not to be confused. Oil and Gas Reserves and Resources Evaluation is a discipline that mostly involves an economical look at assets or potential assets respectively, in order to provide much-needed information to a company about financial risk associated with excavation. Oil and gas reserves and resources are similar in the respect that they present challenges, but the challenges are unique from the other. An oil reserve is viewed in far higher regard than a resource, due to the fact that “resource” denotes crude oil and natural gas accumulations which are known to an oil and gas company, but cannot be produced in a commercial manner due to factors involv...

Steps to Performing a Depth Conversion

Geophysics, and the process of Depth Conversion , is something which, like most sciences, is something which is constantly changing, and there are more and more ways to efficiently ascertain much-needed data about oil and gas reservoirs as time goes on - therefore improving the process as well as improving the results of the process.  In 2018, Depth Conversion is something which is robust and telling to all manner of uncertainties and risks associated with oil and gas reservoirs. We identify the most relevant ways in order to perform accurate and efficient time to depth conversions in this article below. Initially, the first step in a time to depth conversion is to interpret a set of time horizons from a derived image volume. Image volume by itself is something which is derived from time migration, and time horizons, by their very nature, are then associated with layer boundaries. These layer boundaries can have velocity contrast and/or geological formations of interest. Second...

What Is Robotic Demolition?

Robotic Demolition London is a specialist process, which an experienced and a professional drilling company will have access to. Robotic Demolition – as the name might not quite imply – is used in construction as well. Robotic Demolition is a process which is used in restoration work in particular, and can be used for all manner of sites which just so happen to be even more dangerous than usual due to the risk of collapse. Other sites can also present other problems. Environmental hazards such as adverse weather, damage to a water or a gas main, asbestos, as well as the fact that some jobs indeed do take place in not very nice areas can also require the usage of a Robotic Demolition specialist company. A good Robotic Demolition Company will have a range of robotic BROKK machines which are the robots which will do the heavy lifting. An operative is to stand some distance away from the BROKK robot and control it using a mechanism which is not unlike a controller. A ...

What Is Oil and Gas Reservoir Evaluation?

Oil and Gas Reserves and Resources Evaluation is a series of technical studies which are intended to add value to an oil and gas company’s operations pertaining to a particular prospect – as well as highlight issues which may prevent the prospect coming into fruition. Typically, an oil and gas reserves and resource evaluation consists of various technical studies, which tend to take place from an early exploration stage, onward to development planning and even utilised in project execution. Some of these technical studies are as follows. Seismic Processing and Imaging is taken on both pre and post stack processing sequences. Furthermore, there are a series of regional sedimentlogical, sequence-stratigraphic and structural exploration technical audits to carry out. Essential geological information such as sedimentology, facies, burial history, diagenesis and mineralogy is also taken into consideration in order to find the best possible evaluation result. All-in-all, the act of o...

Agilent Ion Getter Pumps in UHV Applications

UHV, or Ultra High Vacuum, is a vital technology which is utilised in all manner of scientific applications today. There is all manner of utilisation for Agilent Ion Getter Pumps as well as Agilent Titanium Sublimation Pumps in multiple scientific fields, as a result. Some sciences, such as high energy physics, medical particle acceleration, as well as the surface science community in general have benefitted massively from the application of Ultra High Vacuum to their respective fields, and this technology was developed to be far superior to existing methods which involved the application of glass chambers – which understandably, are very impractical for high-temperature and high-pressure testing. Ultra High Vacuum is today utilised with the Vaclon Pump, which uses stainless steel in both forms and tubing. Furthermore, flanges are copper-sealed, and feedthroughs are designed in meta-ceramic in order to deal with environments and pressures which are very high. Stainless Steel showed ...

Understanding Flexible Metal Components

A flexible metal hose is used to transfer media under varying pressures and temperatures. These metal hoses must be incredibly resilient to these pressures and temperatures in order to successfully transport the media from one part of the machinery to another. A flexible metal hose must be able to resist the working environment that surrounds the hose such as severe vibrations and potentially damaging materials that may leak from other components. Here we will look further into these components to fully understand the uses of a flexible metal hose. A metal hose assembly will consist of a corrugated hose that is both leak-proof and resilient to varying pressures. These hoses will often be braided in order to absorb as much damage and force as possible, to prevent any severe damage to the hose assembly that could cause disruption to daily workflow. It is common to attach a PTFE liner that increases the stability of the hose, establishing further resistance to chemicals and other me...

IR Spectroscopy – The Basics

The pharmaceutical industry is reliant on the advantages of infrared spectroscopy.  Infrared Spectroscopy is likened very much to a fingerprint, and it is by these fingerprints that the properties and appropriate identification of compounds and materials can be gleaned. As each and every human being has a set of fingerprints which are different in 100% of cases, but the same for each individual, as each property gleaned from IR spectroscopy is the same amongst all examples of a particular material, but different between different types. The method of IR Spectroscopy is to look at characteristics of each “fingerprint” in order to identify the material from this. Instead of whirls or dips being examined, IR Spectroscopy is a matter of looking at a graph which appears to be full of troughs and peaks. These graphs are obtained by using an appropriate IR Spectroscopy device in order to set a cantilever to the material, aim a fine-tuned laser at the cantilever, then blast t...

Understanding Hydraulic Testing

A hydraulic testing method is required to be carried out in a systematic manner, alongside a basic understand of the hydraulic system in question and its functions. Before the testing procedure begins, it is important to find the hydraulic schematic and the serial number for the system being tested. Here we will discuss further the importance of testing your system and how it can benefit you in the long term. If you have experienced the failure of a hydraulic component during a time that you can least afford it, or at an inconvenient time during daily production, then you are sure to benefit from testing your hydraulic system. A failure in your hydraulic system is an expensive circumstance. Every moment that your system is down and oil is spilling out at your feet is costing you money. It is essential to immediately identify the problem with your system in order to fix it; this is where a hydraulic test comes in. Hydraulic testing will allow you to easily and safely simulat...

Embracing the Old in New Architecture

Conwy is a town which is rather old. Furthermore, a lot of the attractions in Conwy tend to have multiple purposes – appealing to both visitors and locals for the fact that they embrace the old, but appeal to the locals with the fact that they are still very relevant even today. In a world that seems to be jam-packed with new, uniform and very uninteresting, bland things, Conwy stands proudly apart as an example of an excellent town which embraces its history but moves forward with the times as well. History is everywhere in Conwy - in the castle walls and in every single nook and cranny of the perfectly maintained and very much functional buildings which make up the town - and it tends to get a lot of tourism through the fact that there really is nowhere in the UK like it. When it comes to embracing - not just keeping - the old, It is admittedly, quite a tricky affair to get right. For instance, the issues the nearby town of Llandudno has had with filling the site of the old pavilion...

Installing A Stainless Steel Hose Assembly

There is no denying a stainless steel hose assembly is a crucial part of any industry standard machine or piece of equipment. That means it is of vital importance that before your stainless steel hose assembly is installed, you must perform checks and inspections to ensure each assembly is in full working order before the machine is put back to use. A faulty assembly can cause an unpredictable amount of damage to machinery, with a sudden disruption to daily production that will inevitably become significantly detrimental to workflow. Here we will look into the installation process, but most importantly, what to do before installing your assemblies. Before Installation Before installing your stainless steel hose assembly, you should perform an extensive visual inspection. This allows you to examine the hose for any signs of wear and tear. If you notice any signs of damage, simply do not use the house. If you do use the hose, it is guaranteed that you will be replacing it, alon...

The Anasys Mirage – Submicron Spectroscopy is Finally Possible

Spectroscopy, in all of its many forms, is a useful technique which is well and truly the best way to identify the photothermal properties of a range of materials, but it has always been held back by a few limitations... That is, until the Anasys Mirage Photothermal IR Spectroscopy Instrument. Say what you will – manufacturers of specialist equipment haven’t quite got far enough in their art to ever breach the submicron threshold because the science isn’t quite there yet – or even that technology hasn’t got far enough. All of this has changed thanks to California-based Anasys Instruments, the creators of a new system which finally allows the submicron barrier to be broken, well and truly. The Anasys Mirage is a brand new system which combines photothermal IR in its purest form (something originally coined by Anasys over 10 years ago and developed, perfected and refined ever since) as well as probe lasers in order to break IR diffraction limits and allow submicron spectroscopy to be...

Depth Conversion With Faster Uncertainty Analysis

Velit is an interesting Depth Conversion suite for Petrel and known as VelPAK in Kingdom Software, and has been hailed as a way of performing fast depth conversions in a simplified manner, as well as reducing uncertainty associated with your time to depth conversions via the fact that while simplified, Velit Depth Conversion Software packs a great deal of power in a very small and very user friendly package. Never before has both beginners to depth conversion as well as seasoned pros been able to work in a blindingly fast manner with uncertainty all but eliminated.   Velit, essentially, turns even the most iterative depth conversion into a process which is fast, accurate, and above all- manageable.   A large plus of the Velit package is the amount of data which is included with it. With unique access to the data sets compiled by their sister company ERCE, Equipoise Software’s Velit Depth Conversion package boasts a series of algorithms which will well and tr...

Borehole Logging Guide

The field of examining the ground to determine the value of the minerals and materials has become extremely competitive due to oil and gas companies becoming dependent on this vital information. The process of drilling for oil example can be a costly process as is and so there needs to be a level of certainty that the job is worth it, there is nothing worse that the time, effort and money being spent to simply find out it wasn’t worth it. This is where you will find that borehole logging services come into play. In order to determine the value of the minerals and materials, a technique called borehole logging is used which is a great choice if you want minimal disturbance to the earth and surrounding area. The process requires a small hole to be made before a log is lowered into it, the log then evaluates the resistivity of the rock which will allow the determination of the value. A specialist software is used to process the data and will allow experts to decide whether the excavation...

Heating Oil Storage

Storing your heating oil in Shropshire based homes and within the surrounding areas is something that needs to be discussed. Whether you live in a standard residential property or live on a farm, if you are ordering a large amount of fuel for heating, you need to learn as much about your fuel, storage and tanks. We use heating oil and fuel oil to keep our homes warm and to power our machinery and systems; however, fuel is detrimental to the environment and people’s safety if stored incorrectly, so let’s looked further into the operation behind secure fuel storage. Fuel Tanks Fuel tanks are not just designed to store fuel for later use. They are also designed with safety in mind. They keep the contents secure and away from any potentially reactive materials such as an open flame. A self-bunded tank is essentially a tank within a tank that is able to hold the same volume of the inner tank in case of a leak or overfilling. Bunded tanks are beneficial both domestic and agricult...

Seismic Inversion and Simulated Annealing Inversion

Seismic Inversion is something which has come on leaps and bounds in the 40 years it has been a viable geophysical process. Whereas the thought of seismic inversion some years ago was a complimentary one, the process is very much gaining relevance in geology and petrophysics circles. Nowadays, Seismic Inversion, Simulated Annealing Inversion, and Coloured Inversion are processes which are utilised in oil and gas explorations throughout the world to great effect. There are a number of oil and gas exploration companies as well as drilling companies such as Robertson Geologging from North Wales which make good use of this scientific principle. Robertson Geologging sell all manner of logging equipment such as drills and probes, with their own operations throughout the Americas, Asia and of course Europe, and utilise scientific principles such as depth conversion and seismic inversion in their day-to-day operations. You might wonder just how seismic inversion as well as simulated ...

Polyurethane: A Smarter Choice For Flooring

When it comes to durable epoxy resin flooring , there is no smarter choice than an epoxy resin or polyurethane coating. These industrial strength floors are highly recommended for use within a variety of industry sectors. This is due to the fact that non-coated floors such as concrete are exposed to varying degrees of abrasion, friction and damage from sources such as vehicles and harsh chemicals. This will eventually result in holes and patches within the floor that are unusable and need to be avoided to deter employees from accidental injury. Hygiene will also become an issue when not utilising the various attributes of an industrial floor coating. Without the coating a floor made from concrete will be nearly impossible to clean properly and will harbour a range of substances that can only be removed by using chemical compounds and cleaners. When dirty a concrete surface can become aesthetically displeasing; appearing dull and lifeless over time which can have an affect on s...

IR Spectroscopy Has Changed Thanks to the Anasys IR

Anasys Instruments of Santa Barbara, California, have come out with a brand new microscope which breaks the diffraction limit in order to provide, for the first time, and exclusively, the ability to provide submicron IR spectroscopy in a simple and efficient manner. This breakthrough will result in submicron IR spectroscopy and submicron IR Imaging to be used throughout a variety of applications for a great many sciences. With its fast, easy, and optical non-contact technique, the power to go to the submicron level has been placed into the hands of more professionals than ever before thanks to this breakthrough from Anasys Instruments – and the gap between IR micro spectroscopy and nanoscale IR spectroscopy has been bridged accordingly thanks to the realms of possibility that this device can provide. Anasys call this scientific breakthrough the mIRage – and there are a number in supply through their trusted distributors worldwide. Some of the disciplines that stand to gain from ...

Expert Witness Services

An Expert witness is called in when complex matters have been brought to light and making a judgement either for or against a specific legal challenge requires an in-depth knowledge of protocol or procedure which may not be easily accessible to a court. Expert witness cases, particularly oil and gas expert witness cases, usually entail matters of which a court may not have the specific specialisation which is required to make an accurate judgement about the validity of said claims. An expert witness, in all matters, has be free of influence of their side of the argument in order to make a statement about affairs in a non-biased manner. In the oil and gas reservoir evaluation industry in particular, the services of an expert witness are absolutely essential as contention is very much the name of the game. The amount of expert witnesses is limited only by the number of specialisations out there – and essentially any specific field can have a number of expert witnesses in a numb...

Stainless Steel Hoses Take The Pressure

A hydraulic system that is designed for use within the various industry sectors of today are becoming more and more demanding each day. The temperatures that are being reached during daily production are continuously increasing and space is becoming even more limited than ever before. The requirements of hose assemblies are needed to endure all of these drastic work conditions, whilst simultaneously handling the varying degrees of pressure. Stainless steel hose assemblies are the answer to all the potential issues brought by hydraulic systems today, and deliver only the highest quality performance when placed under demanding circumstances. Stainless steel hoses are designed with a heavy wall of PTFE that is usable alongside almost any hydraulic fluid available today. Then tube within the stainless steel hose is able to disperse any static that subsequently provides a path of constant movement towards the hose fittings for smooth operation, which is beneficial for assemblies that ...

The Basics Behind Industrial Hoses

Industrial hoses are an incredibly useful tool in a variety of manufacturing and production processes. Their characteristics and accessories can be equally variable, so it is vitally important that you know the basics of an industrial hose and how they can benefit the efficiency of workflow within your industry sector. Here we will look at the precise specifications that contribute to industrial hoses. An industrial hose is a flexible container that takes a shape similar to a pipe, and is quite often made of rubber. These “pipes” are used to transport liquids, gases and certain solids from one part of a machine to another, or even a completely different area of the building. Household hoses that a majority of people are familiar with will usually include the common garden hose; however, industrial hoses are used when larger volumes of substances are in need of transportation. Hoses transport those substances via their water-tight lining made of plastic or rubber, which is als...

Efficient Delivery by Fuel Oil Distributors

Reliable oil distributors in Shropshire and surrounding areas are not just out to make a tidy profit. They are passionate about providing a customer focused service that ensures the delivery of high quality fuel in the most efficient manner. A lot of different fuel oil firms provide different services despite delivering the same product. Dependable oil distributors will often provide a free of charge visual inspection that acts as a preventative measure against any potential leaks, cracks or signs of stress that may lead to a loss of fuel during long term storage. A strong working relationship between customer and supplier will ensure the distribution process will go smoothly and to a very high standard. However, this does not mean that you should not be attentive to what you are being delivered. The correct fuel with the essential filtering is what you should seek and you should receive nothing less. The last thing you need is for pollutants to be entering your heating system or...

The History of Well Logging

In 1926, brothers Conrad and Marcel Schlumberger founded Schlumberger Limited which specialises in Borehole Logging , Slimhole Logging, Oil Gas Logging and more. Conrad was originally a respected physicist and Marcel a respected engineer. During his work as a professor, Conrad thought that it would be great if you could measure the conductivity of ore beds and so he began experimenting with various tools such as a bathtub! His experiments proved to be successful and were the beginning of their road to establishing themselves as the geniuses behind well logging. The pair began to travel all over the world from the USA to Serbia and in between. They eventually conducted their first electrical survey before signing a profitable contract with Pechelbronn oil field. Their electrical survey quickly became known as well logging, becoming more and more efficient as time passed. The Schlumberger business thrived and gained worldwide recognition. Unfortunately, Conrad passed away due to a heart ...

Applications for AFM Raman Systems Raman spectroscopy in Arts and Archaeology

AFM-Raman Systems and Raman Spectroscopy has become very popular in a range of different scientific fields within the past 10 years due to advances which have meant that Raman spectroscopy has never been simpler to perform. Advances both in testing times and portability have meant that Raman spectroscopy is now the chief choice of very many scientists in the field of forensics, but there are other industries which have embraced Raman spectroscopy technology throughout their investigative procedures. What sort of materials is Raman spectroscopy used on? The list of applications is indeed broad, due to the fact that Raman spectroscopy can be used to analyse almost everything. Raman spectroscopy is suitable for the analysis of solids, powders, liquids, gels, slurries and gases, and everything in-between. Furthermore, Raman spectroscopy shows promising spectra on inorganic materials such as plastics and polymers as well as organic ones, and can even be used on biological materials...

Flexible Hoses: What You Need to Know About Installation

Using a flexible metal hose correctly is of vital importance as the health and safety of employees is vitally important, alongside the continuous workflow of daily production. There are various precautionary measures to take before even thinking about the hose installation process. The first precautionary measure to take is to check that the hose is the correct application for the job at hand, as having the right material, pressure rating, chemical resistance and temperature sustainability is vital for the performance of your hose and machinery. Thoroughly examine the hose for any noticeable or obvious signs of damage. Common signs of damage can include the fraying of wire braiding, dents or crushing that may result in a reduction of the hoses lifespan or pressure rating. The movement of a flexible metal hose should be limited to a single plane. There should also be a restriction to the amount of twisting that can potentially occur, as pushing the bend of a hose to an extreme wi...

Submicron Spectroscopy Has Been Achieved With Mirage IR

IR Microscopy has always been subject to limitation, which has meant that the value of IR microscopy has always been significantly less than other means of material identification available. The world leader in nanoscale IR spectroscopy, Anasys Instruments, have changed the field of IR spectroscopy with the announcement of their brand new product – the Mirage IR – which actually makes submicron spectroscopy possible, feasible, achievable – and reliable to boot. Submicron spatial resolution means, in viable terms, an increase of over 20x the spatial resolution available on anything else on the market. Anasys have been well known as a company which invests heavily in research and development, working with scientific advisors around the world to consistently break barriers with constant invention and discovery – and the Mirage IR is easily considered a game changer in the field of IR microscopy. You simply cannot achieve submicron spatial resolution on any other product – and th...

Knowing Stainless Steel Hose Assemblies

Stainless steel hose assemblies are specifically designed to deliver certain objectives as pipe work within various types industry. These can include the absorption of vibrations, being used under vacuum, withstanding varying degrees of temperature, noise reduction, reducing movement and withstanding the severity of high pressures. The specification of stainless steel hoses makes them the perfect candidate for use in industries with demanding workflow. The Design The Corrugated stainless steel hose is commonly designed with a cylindrical tube with a thin wall and welded at the seam. Corrugation is then impressed into the tube to create a distinct advantage for the movement of each corrugation, which are independent from each other during movement. The name “Closed Pitch” hose is used when corrugations are closely spaced, with “Open Pitch” hoses having widely spaced corrugations. The Specifications Stainless steel hose assemblies are a fantastic alternative to other hos...

Specifications of Stainless Steel Hoses

Stainless steel hose assemblies are a fundamental part of production and manufacturing in a wide variety of industries. Standard hoses can be used more often than not within industries, but the durability and preventative measures of stainless steel hoses brings an element of security and efficiency to the daily production process. Some industries are not prepared to invest in Despite these hoses being manufactured out of a robust metal, they do in fact retain a degree of flexibility that is the result of the corrugated design of the metal. The lifespan of a flexible metal hose is dependant on the severity of its daily usage. If the hose is subjected to hot temperatures, vibrations, corrosive materials and varying degrees of pressure then their life span may become slightly shorter. However, stainless steel hoses are far more durable than hoses made from regular pipe materials and will outlive rubber or PVC hoses by a considerable amount. More protection can be acquired by us...