Here we will go into more detail about vacuum testing and exactly how helium can make the process much easier.
Firstly, and most importantly, helium is an incredibly safe way to detect leaks within industrial hose assemblies. Helium is a dormant gas that is also non-toxic - unless exposed to large amounts which can cause asphyxiation; however, this is highly unlikely to occur during a vacuum test. Another rather important “safety feature” of helium is the fact that it is inflammable. In an active working environment with various machinery and moving parts, an inflammable chemical is absolute necessity.
The presence of helium in our atmosphere is virtually undetectable, (within a testing environment of course), making the helium used purposefully within a vacuum test highly noticeable when collecting results. Helium also happens to be the smallest molecule other than hydrogen, (hydrogen being highly reactive and flammable), making it capable of detecting even the tiniest of leaks due to its significantly lower molecular weight
As you can clearly see, the use of helium in vacuum testing is incredibly beneficial for any and all industries looking to carry out industrial hose assembly tests on a regular basis. The results obtained are clearer and far superior when compared to other methods of vacuum testing, and provides a safer means to ensure the efficiency of manufacturing and production within the various industries.
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